
C# Sample Codes(tutorials).

These C# 3.0 samples codes are easy to use tutorial examples you can just copy and paste it to your compiler and it will work. It is to learn C# language for programmers . Use these C# tutorial examples.
* If Condition Example Tutorials.
Completed soon

C# If condition tutorial examples.

listing 1
This is a simple C# program.

Call this program Example.cs.

using System;

class Example {

// A C# program begins with a call to Main().
static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("A simple C# program.");

listing 2
// This version does not include "using System;".


Install Apache, PHP and MySQL, Download and Configure all these.

Learn how to Install Apache, PHP and MySQL and Configure all these development tools.
Video part 1.

Video part 2.

Download the files below


PHP (VC6 Thread safe):


PHP Downloads:


Create Reports in C#.Net and SQL Server.

This video tutorial will teach you how to Create Reports in C#.Net and SQL Server.
(2 videos below)
1st Tutorial.

SQL Server for Beginners. (Connect to C#.Net and Manipulate data)

This tutorial series will make you capable of making a SQL Database and connect it with C# or .Net and manipulate backhand(SQL) through front-hand i.e. C#.

SQL Tutorial 1 : Add data to SQL Server with C#.Net and ADO.Net.
SQL Tuturial 2 : Retrieving Data from SQL Server using C#.Net and ADO.Net.
SQL Tuturial 3 : Using BindingSource to navigate the Dataset with C#.Net.
SQL Tuturial 4 : Editing SQL data using the Sql DataAdapter Update Command with C#.Net.
SQL Tuturial 5 : Deleting Data from SQL using SqlDataAdapter and the DeleteCommand with C#.Net.

Remove Data from SQL using SqlDataAdapter and the Delete Command with C#.Net

This lecture will teach you how to Delete Data from SQL using SqlDataAdapter and the DeleteCommand with C#
Return to Main

Edit SQL data using the Sql DataAdapter Update Command with C#.Net

This lecture will teach you how to Edit SQL data using the SqlDataAdapter's Update Command with C#
Return to Main

Use Binding-source and navigate the Dataset with C#.Net

This lecture will teach you how to Use Binding-source to navigate the Dataset with C#.

Return to Main

Retrieve Data from SQL Server using C#.Net and ADO.Net

This lecture will teach you how to Retrieving Data from SQL Server using C# and ADO.Net.

Return to Main

Add data to SQL Server with C#.Net and ADO.Net

This video lecture will teach you that how to Add data to SQL Server with C# and ADO.Net.

Return to Main

Samsung Galaxy vs Apple IPhone 4S

This test shows that Samsung Galaxy is more reliable and hardcore in its hardware than Apple IPhone4S.


Theory Of DOM by Douglas Crookford.

A presentation by Douglas Crookford about complete DOM concepts.

Lecture 5 : Object Oriented Programming.

Lecture 5 of Object Oriented Programming.
main page of O.O.P

Lecture 4 : Object Oriented Programming.

Lecture 4 of Object Oriented Programming.
main page of O.O.P

Lecture 3 : Object Oriented Programming.

Lecture 3 of Object Oriented Programming.

main page of O.O.P

Lecture 2 : Object Oriented Programming.

Lecture 2 of Object Oriented Programming.

main page of O.O.P

Lecture 1 : Object Oriented Programming.

Lecture 1 of Object Oriented Programming.
main page of O.O.P

Object Oriented Programming Complete Course(45 Lectures in Urdu)

This Object Oriented Programming Course is conducted by Mr. Shafiq-ur Rehman at Virtual University Pakistan.(Updated soon).
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10

Lecture 9 : Mobile Applications' Marketing and Strategy.

Mobile Applications' Marketing and Strategies are discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 8 : Cross Platform Compatible Mobile Apps Development.

Cross Platform Compatible Mobile Apps Development is discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 7 : Development of Games for Web.

Development of Games for Web and browser games are discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 6 : Development of WebOS Apps : Advanced Development Techniques.

Development of WebOS Apps' Advanced Development Techniques are discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 5 : Development of WebOS Apps: UI Components and Services Session.

Development of WebOS Applications including UI Components and Services are discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 4: Develop Web OS Applications.

This lecture will focus on Developing Web OS Applications.

Back to list of lectures.


Lecture 3 : Mobile User Experience Design

Mobile User Experience Design is discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 2 : Web Skills.

This lecture focuses on Web Technologies and HTML 5.

Back to list of lectures.

Lecture 1 : Web And Mobile Combination.

Web vision for Mobile is discussed in this lecture.

Back to list of lectures.

Course For Developing Mobile Applications with Web Technologies.(Lectures from Stanford University)

HTML5 and CSS3 Good Parts (2 videos)...

A detailed introduction to HTML5 and CSS3.
Video part 1.

Video part 2.

Slides are available here.
HTML5 and CSS3 slides.

Introduction to CSS 3

Introduction to CSS 3.

Most of the CSS 3 new features are discussed in this video.


JavaScript Tutorial

This is the JavaScript's best of the best Tutorial by Douglas Crockford of Yahoo.

Download Slides.

Hot Text Editors

Few decent and top text editors

Tips and Tricks for HTML and CSS

CSS Formatter
HTML Sandbox for testing
CSS cheat

HTML and CSS Layout Examples

These are some sites who can provide you large number and variety of HTML and CSS Layout Examples

Introduction To HTML5

Html5 is beginning of the end of Microsoft Silverlight. By using HTML5 and JavaScript/J Query you can target Android, Iphone, Windows8 development.

Make Free Website

Make free website using Weebly.
Free Website Tutorial.

HTML and CSS Free Tutorial

Learn Basic HTML And CSS.
and make your website easily.