Saturday is a public serving blog. Our mission is to make those things available to everyone for which we did research and spent time.
We are still in starting stage our target is make latest techniques understandable to everyone.
InshaALLAH we will share religious truths, Cloud Computing Tutorials, C, C#, C++ tutorial videos, Object Oriented Programming, Javascript Tutorials, SQL Videos, HTML5 Tutorials. To make people Feeling free to come, search and make the most of our site.
At the same time will also provide latest technology updates about new innovations in Microsoft Windows, Apple's Mac, IPhone, IPod, IPad, Windows8,Dynamic Website techniques and much more.

At the same time will also provide latest technology updates about new innovations in Microsoft Windows, Apple's Mac, IPhone, IPod, IPad, Windows8,Dynamic Website techniques and much more.


7 C's of Communication.

This slide contains basic definition and knowledge about 7 C's of Communication.


All About Software Testing Techniques and Definitions.

There are unlimited branches and types of Software Testing. This post not only includes Types of testing but also all about testing i.e. techniques , definitions, terms explanation and many more things.

Acceptance Software Testing: A testing technique conducted to determine whether a system satisfies acceptance criteria, enables an user to determine whether to accept the system or not.

Bug: A design flaw that will result in symptoms exhibited by some object (the object under test or some other object) when an object is subjected to an appropriate test.

Alpha(α) Software Testing:   A testing technique  of a software conducted at the developer’s hand by the end user.

Accessibility Software Testing: A testing technique that verifying a product is accessible to the people having disabilities.